Material Grade 3 Grade 3 *These fabric pictures are only a representation of the fabrics we offer. Contact the office at 800-468-2475 or refer to color cards, for fabric swatches which will show the actual colors and textures. Moguls – Grade 3 Birch Coffee Bean Flare Grape Jelly Graphite Honeycomb Java Magenta Mandarin Navy Onyx Rhododendron Sand Thistle Verdant Waterfall Twilight – Grade 3 Angora Aquamarine Begonia Berry Brass Canary Charcoal Chartreuse Cherry Cocoa Cotton Hemp Iris Jungle Lapis Lily Pad Loden Merlot Saffron Sky Turquoise Florentino – Grade 3 Bark Basil Biscuit Bluejay Caramel Chili Cream Dijon Dove Fern Jet Jonquil Khaki Latte Lipstick Mango Marine Mocha Mushroom Plum Sable Sapphire Scarlet Sepia Slate Turquoise Willow